The Bluebird |XYZ

Train 2

Train 3

Train 4

Train 5

Train 6

Train 7

Train 8

Train 9

Train 10

Train 11

Train 12

Train 13

Train 14

Train 15

Train 16

Train 17

Train 18

Train 19

Train 20

A lifelong fan of planes, trains, automobiles, and trucks - big things that go fast - Chuck Heidorn captures the essence of these powerful machines through his art. His keen eye for documentation and unique perspectives brings his subjects to life in a way that resonates with enthusiasts and collectors alike.

Chuck specializes in locomotives and other rolling stock from Pennsylvania RR, New York Central, Jersey Central, Delaware & Hudson, Boston Maine, Erie Lackawanna, Lehigh Valley, and New Haven. But he’s always open to considering custom work that focuses on railroads in other areas.

The Art and the Print Process

Chuck uses the cross hatch and line drawing, a pen and ink technique where shadow and light are represented by dense or sparsely spaced lines.

The completed works are then photographically reduced and offset printed on neutral ph stock. Edition sizes vary from 250 to 150 and are signed by the artist. Some, but not all, of the editions are numbered. The same drawing is never printed twice. Once the edition is gone, it's gone!